Today almost everyone can wear contact lenses!
There’s an ever increasing range of lenses available to suit almost everyone from age 8 to 80+, with different lenses suiting different lifestyle requirements
Daily disposables are ideal for everyone but may particularly appeal to people wanting the freedom from specs at those special occasions or when playing sport.
Multifocals are now available in soft, comfortable materials and are ideal for those wishing to have the same sight as many years ago.
Astigmatic correcting lenses are also available meaning astigmatism, whatever the power can NOW be corrected.
Orthokeratology – now known as Eyedream – these lenses are available for up to -5.00 myopes with a little astigmatism They are worn at night and actually reshape the cornea. This means the patient doesn’t require specs or contact lenses during the day. Please contact us for further information.
the very latest contact lenses are in beaconsfield!
We will advise you on which of the latest lenses available suit your particular needs. Some of the lenses we can supply are listed below.
Coopervision Clariti 1 Day Multifocal, Alcon Dailies and Total One Multifocals, Acuvue 1 Day Moist Multifocal and Bausch and Lomb Biotrue for Presbyopia. Designed to be worn all day, and to allow Prebyopes (those who need extra help to read close) to see near and far.
Acuvue Oasys 1 Day and Alcon Dailies Total One are additions to our choice of lenses available. These soft lens are not only extremely permeable, but also offers excellent comfort on the eye, all day long. We also supply Coopervision My Day as a similarly good lens. as well a the latest from Bausch&Lomb, the Ultra Daily. Adding to the lineup, Alcon have introduced Precision 1 as a mid-range lens to offer excellent vision, comfort and Oxygen supply with a more measured price. We are happy to introduce our latest addition to our portfolio – Oasys Max 1 Day, for maximum clarity and comfort.
Acuvue 1 Day Moist and Alcon Dailies ACP are available – for regular and variable wearing regimens.
Acuvue Oasys, Alcon Air Optix, B+L Purevision and Ultra, and Coopervision Biofinity – fortnightly and monthly disposable lenses, all of which are suitable for overnight wear.
Acuvue 1 Day Moist for Astigmatism, now joined by the latest Silicone Hydrogel Oasys 1 Day for Astigmatism and Coopervision My Day Toric -great Daily disposable lenses for oval-shaped eyes, as well as Alcon’s new Precision 1 for Astigmatism.
SoClear – a comfortable Gas Permeable lens – available in single vision, astigmatism corrections, multifocals and for correcting kerataconus- as comfortable as Soft lenses, and as well fitting as GP lenses.
Chromagen lenses are worn to help people with colour deficiency (Colour blindness) improve their colour perception by wearing a prescribed tinted lens.
Quasar Plus Gas Permeable lenses – oxygen permeable Single vision, Astigmatic and Multifocal lenses.
It is almost impossible to keep our web site up to date with all the new lenses becoming available to us. Please contact us for further information.
We fit bifocal and Multifocal lenses including Daily, Fortnightly, Monthly and gas Permeable Multifocal lenses.
Disposable soft lenses
We only supply quality disposable lenses, from Acuvue, CibaVision, Bausch&Lomb, and Coopervision
Astigmatism correcting lenses
New daily, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly disposable contact lenses. Almost all astigmatic patients with low and high amounts of astigmatism can be corrected with disposable lenses.